Your hotel’s website acts as the digital front door to the guest experience. Serving as more than just a platform to make reservations, it sets the tone for the entire guest journey—through how easy the website is to use, what photos are showcasing your features, and how you communicate who your hotel is at its core. But a faulty booking platform or less than exceptional depiction of your hotel online will send travelers running to find a more tasteful experience somewhere else.

Website Design for Boutique Hotels

When it comes to your website, making it easy to navigate will increase the chance of potential guests booking with you. A menu with fewer options will point them in the direction of what they need to know so they’re not hunting for basic or crucial information. 

Be wary of overwhelming viewers with too much text, detail, or information. While including who inspired you to open your doors is an important part of your brand’s story, there’s a better place to give them a shout-out than a huge block of text on the homepage.

Try to think like a guest booking with you for the very first time. Does the booking feature display guest-related information upfront, like room options, availability, and price? Is the contact information easy to find if you have questions? Are there enough photos to get an idea of what you can expect to see on the property? 

Let’s also talk about the importance of a mobile-friendly website. With mobile bookings making up almost 29% of all hotel bookings in 2023, ensuring your site is just as easy to book on a phone as it is on a desktop is imperative as this rate continues to increase. 

Designing your website to simplify the booking process is the first step to excite guests about what they will experience at your hotel.

Hotel Photography and Visual Direction

Just as important to the structure and navigation of your website are the photos. Having up-to-date images that depict what your hotel currently looks like is crucial to setting your guests’ expectations. Did your property just go through a remodel? Has your lobby been redecorated with modern details? Do you have special features like a restaurant, spa, or event space? Regularly update your photography and website with those changes and features.

Knowing your target audience is a must when deciding what photos to display. If you want to appeal to a certain demographic, make sure they’re represented in the photos on your site. For example, if you’re wanting to attract young families and kids, don’t prioritize photos of a busy, club-like atmosphere at the hotel bar. Think about your audience.

When it comes to displaying these photos on the website, sprinkling them in throughout is the best way to showcase your strengths and features. Don’t make site visitors search for a gallery page to see imagery of your hotel, rooms, spaces, or suites. Every page should display your up-to-date and on-brand photos so potential guests are surrounded by visuals they can feast their eyes on. 

Search Engine Optimization for Hotel Booking Websites

Every possible chance for your website to be overflowing with SEO keywords will make it easier for potential guests to get where they need to be. Does your Meta description contain keywords sharing who you are and your unique offerings? How about your images, are they tagged with your business name, location, and the pictured feature or amenity? Taking advantage of every opportunity for your content to be crawled by search engines will make your hotel more visible.

Another significant aspect of SEO working for your website is linking. Links will direct search engines to find content on your website and provide your potential guests with multiple channels of connection within your website to related content or opportunities to book. Make sure your social media also points to your website at every opportunity to widen your reach through those other platforms.

Beware of broken links within your website. Not only do they present a messy, unprofessional front to potential guests, they also get flagged by search engines, disrupting your potential for discoverability. 

Without a strong understanding of best practices for SEO, your website won’t reach your potential guests as easily as it should. 

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