The Difference between a Brand and an Experience

The DIVA Mindset - Brand Photoshoot
Own your DIVA

Every brand has a little DIVA in it.

It’s in your posture when you talk about it, it’s in the reputation that precedes it, it’s when and where you flaunt it or let it all hang out.

It exudes a confidence like no other.

And, if we’re going to disrupt traditional systems and create an experience for your audience, we must create more than a logo or website.

It always starts with mindset

This highly-intensive, strategic brand positioning plan will amplify and intensify the psychological, hierarchal, functional, and humanistic senses of your brand to:

• redefine who you are,
• reframe your signature style,
• and, reimagine a clear relationship between you and your audience.

Brand Strategy Fortissima
D – Deconstruct

An unfiltered, deep understanding of who you were and what didn’t work.

Past Methodology
Business Plan and Vision Analysis
Branding Challenges
Marketing Messaging
Strategic Gaps and Awareness Analysis
I – Infuse

A purpose-driven outline to redefine your why and signature approach.

Brand Foundation
Goal Planning
Brand Personality: Voice and Tone
Signature Approach
Aesthetic Appeal
Key Differentiators
V – Vigor

Articulate the necessity of what you do to share the zest of your brand.

Audience Framework
Functional and Emotional Needs
Core Messaging
Brand Positioning
Client-Sensory Experience
A – Activate

Client-centric approach to where you show up and align audience awareness.

Awareness Strategies
Partnership Opportunities
Signature Packages, Products or Programs
Communication Calendar
Content Marketing
Analytical Tracking


A brand so confident, they can’t ignore

We may not always tell you what you want to hear, but for significant transformation to take place, you want a strategist who provokes and provides what you need to hear.

The DIVA Mindset is for companies who are ready to penetrate audiences on a deeper level through research, strategy, design, and experience.

Let’s Make the After-Taste Worth It

The DIVA Mindset

What You Can Expect

  • Results-driven approach
  • Clearly, defined goals

  • Step out as a visionary
  • Deepen relationship with audience
  • Deliver on honesty and authenticity
  • Uncover strategic gaps
  • Refine messaging and communications

  • Challenge you to speak up
  • Position your brand as a thought-leader
  • Organize a process for the entire team
  • Align very specific, experiential touchpoints
Strategic Branding

Fortissima will not

  • Focus solely on traditional business strategies
  • Strip your voice
  • Focus on vanity metrics
  • Add more to your plate
  • Require a rebrand or redesign, unless needed

ready for a diva mindset

Fortissima brands are disciplined, loud & disruptive when needed, and liberated with conviction.

Multi-Sensory Experiences.
Implementing Passion in the Details.

Accepting Challenges.

Collaborative Partnership.
Frank Conversations, ALWAYS.